All universes are strange in their own way from most people’s perspective,
and that’s just a product of only living in one universe for a long time
before you encounter others, if you even ever do. I’m a little different,
because I grew up with them, so even the stranger ones aren’t all that
strange to me. Hypnopediaverse is pretty strange, though. It’s one of the
few places where the bulkverse is common knowledge, and where they use the
knowledge of it to their advantage. As one might assume, most universes are
independent, alone, isolated. If you want to travel from one to another,
you’re first going to need something powerful enough to tear a hole in the
membrane that keeps it all together, and then you’re going to need some way
to navigate. The first step is hard. The second step is just this side of
utterly and hopelessly impossible. Very few people have the means to
navigate the bulkverse. I can only do it mentally, and even then, I get lost
a lot. It is simply not meant to be traveled. There are small exceptions to
this rule, and it has to do with multidimensional proximity. Some universes
are very close to a counterpart, like a binary star system. They refer to
these as twinverses, and while I suspect they’re rare, I haven’t mapped the
bulkverse, so I don’t have the data to back up my claim. After all,
multi-star systems are more common than single stars, if you can believe it.
It’s part of what makes Earth so special, and probably has a lot to do with
its habitability. Getting back to the real story, however, when you’re
talking about twinverses, you’re talking about two branes that are
perpetually linked to one another, and follow the same temporal vector. The
inhabitants may not be using the same calendar, but if you leave one, go to
the other, and spend X amount of time there, X amount of time will have
passed for those you left behind once you return.
I’m not sure how twinverses come into being, and there could be multiple
reasons for this, but the thing about them is that this phenomenon has
always been discovered. The residents have always eventually learned about
the other side, and this is no truer than it is for Hypnopediaverse, which
is a little different, because only one of the universes has a native
population. The second brane that the one is attached to only contains
plantlife. Whenever someone dreamfalls into it, the only people they
encounter are from the main universe. This is how dreaming works, by the
way. Everyone travels to other universes when they dream. It’s just that
these branes are unstable, and usually only last as long as the dream does.
In this case, though, the attached brane is stable, self-sustaining, and
affords the dreamers a level of lucidity generally only reserved for the
lucky few. Now, they could use this world to reach out and enjoy each
other’s company while they’re still asleep. They actually do this sometimes;
set up dates and other meetings to maximize their time. This population has
decided, however, that the main purpose should be education. And not just
regular school, but special skills they didn’t before know existed. The most
common of these is flying like a bird, but it’s not that easy. They can fly
in the dreamworld, but the skill will not transfer over to the main world.
To make that happen, they have to enter yet another universe that’s only
attached to the second one. That’s right, hypnopediaverse is actually a
trinary system, and as far as I know, the only one of its kind. The third
operates on a different temporal vector, however, which adds a level of
complexity that the residents have to account for every time they dreamfall
into it.
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