The clock strikes midnight by the time Leona makes it to the lab. She takes
her phone out, and checks on the location of her friends. They’re either
still at the condo, as she asked them to be, or their phones are, but
they’re elsewhere. She gets out of the car, and enters the lab. She and
Marie checked here after they returned to the Ponce de Leon in case Mateo,
Ramses, and Angela were holed up, or left clues. The place was exactly as
they left it, and the security measures they put in place proved that no one
else had come into the building either. Even so, she needs to check
secondary security to ensure that no one opened the vault.
Once she’s sure that everything’s okay, she opens the door herself, which
she and Ramses promised not to do unless they both agreed, or if it was an
emergency. She can’t achieve the first one, but the second one certainly
applies. They don’t have very much of this stuff left, and what she’s about
to do hasn’t been tested, let alone perfected, but she’s desperate. She
doesn’t know where her people are, or what sort of state they’re in. If
communication was compromised, she can’t trust anything Mateo said to her
over the phone. She has to assume the worst and act accordingly. She has to
go to them, even if it means placing herself in the same predicament. Leona
draws the Existence water into the syringe, and injects it into her arm.
Reckless, but it works. She can sense Mateo, quite distantly, but they’re
out there somewhere, and she should have just enough power to make it there.
She grabs the satellite phone, and teleports away.
“Leona?” Mateo asks.
They’re standing in the main cabin of The Olimpia. Nothing looks out of
place. “Oh, thank God. Report.”
“No. You report. How did you get here?”
“I know how,” Ramses says, stepping up the stairs. “You injected yourself
with samples from the Bermuda Triangle.”
“I had to,” Leona defends. “I had to get back to you.”
“It wasn’t ready,” Ramses counters. “It may never have been.”
“But it was ready, I’m here,” she insists.
“You couldn’t have known that,” Ramses continues. “Besides, we don’t know
what kind of side effects there might be. That is not what the immortality
waters were designed for.”
“They weren’t designed for anything,” Leona argues. “They’re natural.”
“Are you sure about that?” Ramses asks, kind of rhetorically.
Leona looks over at Mateo, who is looking down at the floor disappointingly.
He shakes his head. He can’t believe she did that. It was so stupid and
dangerous, and she should know better. He made contact. He used the proper
language to let her know that they were fine. She should have trusted that.
She should have trusted him.
Leona frowns at them. She hears a noise behind her, just now noticing that
Angela has been sitting in the cubby. “I’m sorry, everyone. I didn’t think
it through.”
“It’s okay. We’re gonna be okay now,” Angela tells her. “Let’s all go back
“Where are we?” Leona asks, flipping on the nearest viewscreen to see
nothing but the cold dark ocean.
“Enemy territory,” Mateo answers. “Russia.”
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