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People are crazed, and neither Nick nor Dutch is safe anymore. The word has
gotten out about the miracle of Nick’s healing. While a ton of people around
the world don’t think it’s real, that still leaves a ton who do, and they all
want a piece of him. Some people believe that he can cure them of their own
conditions, which is an honest mistake, I suppose. Others just want to be
close to him, to varying degrees. There are even those who want to kill him,
for every warped reason that you could imagine. Both of them have been taken
into protective custody by the FBI. I obviously can’t tell you where they are.
Since I was intimately involved in the whole situation, Nick has requested
that I join them, which I will be doing soon. I truthfully didn’t think that I
qualified, but the government would rather be safe than sorry. I can’t tell
you if this website is going to survive all this. He’s more than any regular
public figure now. Hopefully, the insanity dies down eventually, and he can
have some semblance of a normal life, but we recognize that our lives will no
longer be the same. I’m hoping that we can still stay connected with our
mentally stable readers through some kind of technological firewall, or
whatever, so no one can actually find us. We will just have to wait and see.
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