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In movies, when someone writes a great book, or is expected to write one,
they’ll usually just go straight to the publisher. In fact, publishers are
usually asking them to write something for them, generally if the person is
already famous, and they think they can make some serious money off of a book
deal about their experiences. In the real world, you really need to get an
agent first. Sure, publishers have contacted me, but not under the assumption
that they’ll be dealing with me directly. They’re all asking who my agent is,
so they can negotiate with them instead, just as they’re used to. I’ve not
been thinking about it too much, so I don’t have one of those. That’s what I
need to do now. But when I say I, I mean Dutch, because I’ve placed him
in charge of all that stuff. He’ll talk to the agents, and find the right fit
for me, and once he does, the two of them will coordinate with the publishers,
and go through that whole process, if anything comes to fruition anyway.
Either way, I’m not going to worry myself about it, because it’s not really my
goal. Not only do I not have time, and because it distracts me from the art
itself, but because I am not doing this for anyone else. I am writing this for
me. I can always throw it up on a new website, and let anyone read it. I don’t
need it to be published. So other people can go ahead and deal with it
on my behalf. If nothing comes of it, or I end up with a bad deal, then
whatever. It’s not like I need the money, or more fame. I just need to focus
on my work, and let it speak for itself. No matter what, you will have the
opportunity to experience it, one way or another, and I’m not a hundred
percent convinced that that should come at a cost. Again, I’m not concerning
myself with any of it, so I shall speak of it no further.
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