Aliens are rare. They exist for a few different reasons, the main one being
that they were genetically engineered from humans, or evolved from a branch
of genetically engineered humans. Or they were humans raised on something
called a source variant, which basically means that something in the way
they were developed—with every intention of keeping them human—altered them
enough to make them a different species. Radiation is often a factor.
There’s one other method of creating a non-human intelligent species, and it
goes back to a multiversal maxim which states that God is human, and therefore
God’s godlings are also human. This is vague, and doesn’t explain anything,
so I’ll break it down. My people and I come from a god, who houses us in a
special subdimension in his soul. But that god also has his own god, and
he’s housed in her soul, and so is everyone else in my god’s universe. So
too do they have their own godlings, running around, being human. Nothing
can evolve that isn’t technically human, because they are all ultimately
sourced from one theoretical universe that stands above all others. The
people in this universe have no god, so they are not godlings; only gods.
And from them, we all come into being. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other
lifeforms; just not ones that are sufficiently evolved. These other
lifeforms are often known as pets, and if one forms a strong enough bond
with its human, it actually has an impact on the genetic evolution of the
godlings that belong to that person. That’s what sometimes results in an
alien species that is not very human. Something different has been introduced into
the system. On at least one occasion, a God actually bonded with a plant,
and ended up creating plant-based godlings in their subdimensional soul. So
they’re aliens, and they’re not fully human, but they have to be a little
human, because we’re the only species with complex souls, as opposed to the
simplex souls that animals have, as well as apparently, this plant. The
plant in the higher universe will not create godlings on its own.
This doesn’t mean that the hyperintelligent plant species will suddenly
spring into existence either. Evolution still takes place, no matter what.
It usually follows an inevitable path that will eventually lead to a version
of humans, but even with this exception, it still has to follow evolutionary
logic, or it won’t happen. Evolution takes place over the course of billions
of years, and that remains true for Sapioplantaverse, so I’ll just go over
the highlights. There was a species of plant that lived on a planet in the
Milky Way galaxy. This plant struggled to perform photosynthesis, and get
enough energy to survive. Trees towered above them, and blocked much of the
sunlight, but it wasn’t just the lack of light itself. It takes a lot of
energy to create the components necessary for photosynthesis in the first
place. It’s a cycle, where the sunlight powers the plant, which allows it to
build itself up, and gather more power the plant. This cycle
was strenuous, and taxing, so this plant evolved to lower the cost of
energy. It did this by eating nearby plants, and stealing their
photosynthetic pigments. The individual plants who were better at leaning
towards these prey plants were better at surviving, for they were able to
steal more pigment. The leaners slowly got even better at this when they
figured out how to uproot themselves, inch closer to their prey, and reroot
themselves at this new location. Their descendants became better and better
at this, until they were pretty much walking. Then eventually, they were
walking. The rerooting process became so quick that they essentially had legs,
and from there, the evolution was obvious. The mobile plants were able to
move to areas of stronger sunlight, and better nutrients, making them
larger, and stronger. The better the individual’s external sensors were, the
better it was at detecting where it was going, and overcoming obstacles, so
that genetic trait was passed down to its descendants. This led to them
evolving eyes, noses, and appendages. They developed knees to move faster,
tongues to gather nutrients more efficiently, and brains to navigate easier.
After a whole lot of time, they attained human level intelligence, which
made them just as skillful, and fully capable of conquering their world.
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