I’ve decided to give you some details about how the Bicker Institute
survival facilities are populated, and how they operate. Forty-nine people
are rescued from each of three generations. They are protected from birth,
all the way until they age out of the program at 42. If all goes according
to plan, they are unaware that they are Inheritors, or that they are being
watched, until it’s time to populate the Houses. As medical science
progressed, the method used for selecting the next generation of inheritors
became more sophisticated, but the basic idea remained the same. Thirty-one
girls, and eleven boys per generation per House are meant to be able to
repopulate the planet, should all other life be extinguished, for whatever
reason. They would be joined by seven people they deem wildcards. These
wildcards are not closely monitored by Sentinels, and their genetic makeup
is kept a mystery. They are chosen to better simulate real life, where
people do not choose mates based upon genetic health or diversity. The
wildcards also rotate in and out of the program more often, as things change
about their situations. Inheritor housing assignments are part of a complex
process, later aided by an artificial intelligence. One might be placed in a
House on the other side of the world, should their genes be compatible with
a group there, and there is also a social component that they try to account
for. Wildcards, on the other hand, are selected based on their proximity to
any given House, and should they move, they might be taken out of contention
without ever knowing it. Older generation wildcards are chosen specifically
for their useful professions, which the Institute believes could help the
Houses prosper. Two soldiers, two law enforcement officers, two doctors, two
nurses, one paramedic, one EMT, a midwife, a doula, a cook, and a leader.
The breeders are not alone in the facilities. Seven people who belonged to
the Institute the entire time will be there to help guide the inheritors,
and maintain order. These include a leader, a primary medical professional,
an engineer, an electrician, a mechanic, a gardener, and a logistician. As
for the Houses themselves, there is a standard design foundation, but each
one is unique, and they are not all bunkers. There are some commonalities
that they need for the people living in them to be safe, and feel
comfortable. Of course they all have sleeping quarters, with extras for a
growing population. They will also have a gym, kitchen and cafeteria,
bathrooms, microponics for food production, and storage for non perishable
food items, as well as other necessities, such as water treatment, sewage,
ventilation and climate control, and extra supplies. As far as the actual
bunkers go, they’re a lot more comfortable than one might expect. They
could have made things simple, just by burying one large building
underground, and letting people sleep on cots. But they spent the extra
money, and went the extra mile. Everyone gets their own room, until they
pair up, and start moving around. The furniture is nice and new, and
everything is well-maintained. Like any good survival strategy, this system
includes redundancies, and even modularization. The different sections of a
bunker won’t physically move away from each other, but they can be closed
off, and last independently, for a period of time. The three biggest
concerns are radiation, incursion, and flood. Though no system is perfect,
this one is pretty thorough, and well planned. There is even a smaller
bunker section in the deepest part of the facility that’s filled with those
cots, should the rest of the structure become compromised. Not all of the
Houses made it through the end of the world, but enough of them do to keep
the human race alive, and when it all comes down to, that’s all anyone in
the Bicker Institute was hoping for.
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