Vermont was the first state in the U.S. to legalize same-sex marriage. They
did it in 2001. During my research, I learned that Massachusetts was the
first state to introduce making it legal for gay people to get
married, but it took them longer to pass it. By 2015, the whole United
States said that you have to allow gay marriage no matter what state you’re
in, but my papa and dad still wanted to get married in Vermont. It is a
beautiful state, especially if you go there in the fall when the tree leaves
are changing colors. They got a really nice outdoor spot where everyone
could see a lot of the trees. It was a little cold, but not too cold,
and it didn’t rain or snow. Everybody’s family was there. It sounds really
expensive, but my papa was used to spending money on travel. He visited dad
in Virginia a lot when they were still dating. When they weren’t in the same
state together, they talked on the phone, and on the computer. Dad’s family
thought it was weird that they lived so far away from each other, but they
somehow made it work. They wouldn’t have to make it work like that for much
longer. After the wedding, they decided to not have a honeymoon just yet.
They were too busy. They first went to Chicago to pack up papa’s apartment,
and then they went to my Aunt Cooper’s house to pack. Lastly, they went to
dad’s house to pack up his stuff. And then they all moved to
Massachusetts together. I’ll give you more details on the next slide.
Current Schedule
- Sundays
- The Advancement of Mateo MaticChaos mounts as the team tries to prioritize their missions, but can't seem to find a way through until they settle their own limitations.
- The Advancement of Mateo Matic
- Weekdays
- CorrespondenceTwo twins separated at birth learn of one another, and make contact from across the solar system in an attempt to form a connection despite the light lag.
- Correspondence
- Saturdays
- The ParallelKalea Akopa and her number two, Harbinger Nuadu Zima participate in diplomatic discussions meant to determine the distribution of resources in a new universe, and stave off war.
- The Parallel
- Sundays
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