Before my papa was born, his parents would go to a forest called the
Roosevelt National Park, which is located in North Dakota. It isn’t that far
from the border to Montana. Papa never went there himself, but on my
grandpa’s birthday, who was dead, papa wanted to honor him with a family
trip. We took a plane over there, and stayed in tents. We ate outside, and
we hiked, and I swam in a lake a little bit. I know that it’s a really
beautiful place, but I don’t have very good feelings about North Dakota.
This is where my papa started getting sick. I hope I don’t cry while I’m
presenting this slide. My papa had a real hard time on this trip. He had
trouble walking, and he felt very weak all the time. I remember seeing him
twitch while we were sitting around the campfire. He was also talking kinda
funny, like he was trying to talk with his mouth full. We didn’t know what
was wrong with him at the time, but we hoped that it would just go away. He
took it easy for the rest of the trip, and then we just went back home. The
problems started getting worse after that, so he went to the doctor, and he
was eventually diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Most people
just call it ALS, because that’s hard to say.
Current Schedule
- Sundays
- The Advancement of Mateo MaticThe team finally has a solid base of operations, but that doesn't mean they're safe. Now their enemies know where to find them. It's time to build defenses.
- The Advancement of Mateo Matic
- Weekdays
- CorrespondenceTwo twins separated at birth learn of one another, and make contact from across the solar system in an attempt to form a connection despite the light lag.
- Correspondence
- Saturdays
- The Third RailCosette DuFour, Ambassador-at-Large of The Third Rail version of Earth agrees to isolate with other diplomats on a secret world to prevent themselves from causing a temporal paradox that could destroy their new universe.
- The Third Rail
- Sundays
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