Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Microstory 2323: Earth, October 25, 2178

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Dear Corinthia,

Yeah, you would think that our dad would have reached out again by now, but he still hasn’t. Not really, anyway. He sent me a text message about having to travel to one of the other domes, but he didn’t say much about it. This sort of thing happens in politics. You’re trying to negotiate with one party, but they won’t give you what you need unless you get them something that you don’t have, so you have to go to someone else. It can start this whole chain of favor after favor after favor. He’s never had to be away for quite this long before, though, so I’m kind of thinking that he’s avoiding our impending conversation. It seems like a lot to go through. I mean, he has to register his itinerary with the travel office, which I have access to. Movement on this planet is heavily regulated except in the poisoned regions themselves, so he is definitely going to the other dome, and they definitely won’t let him in unless he has a good reason, so I guess he’s not lying? I don’t know. I’m trying to get approval to travel myself, so maybe I can confront him earlier than he was planning. I’ll try to let you know if I do secure the approval, but after that, I might have trouble staying in contact with you. I can’t exactly send out a quick message from my personal device to outer space 1200 AU from Earth. I doubt it will happen anyway, though. I don’t have that good of a reason to leave. Anyway, thanks for getting back to me. Sorry about the whole lockdown situation, even though it doesn’t sound like it was as bad for you as it was for some. We have lockdowns all the time, so I kind of know what you went through. Like you, we’re always pretty well-stocked. We don’t have any restrictions on it, but we try to be mindful of what others will need, so we don’t take more than our fair share. That’s not to say that you were taking more than you deserve. You need it because your job demands constant monitoring. We have extra because of my dad’s job, but only insofar as he has special privileges here, not because of any inherent need. That reminds me, should I be calling him my dad or our dad? I think I’ve said it both ways in our previous letters. I’ve not asked him if he wants to speak with you, because I don’t think he deserves to get to know you, but if you want to get to know him, I don’t have a problem with it. I suppose that’s the true issue here, whether you consider him family, or have any interest in becoming that one day, or what. Just let me know what you feel more comfortable with; what to call him, and whether you want to hear from him directly.

Glad you’re back,


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