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I made sure that Nick got a lot of sleep last night, because I knew that he
was going to need his energy today. A bunch of his former team members wanted
to see him, including one who he had never actually gotten a chance to work
with before he fell ill. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know that
Nick doesn’t love crowds, and he doesn’t like being the center of attention.
Like the candle that does not lose its fire when it lights a second candle,
extroverts feed off of each other. But like the pitcher that loses its water
with each glass that it fills, an introvert can only be drained of energy.
They give without taking. Even still, Nick did want to see the people who he
had hired, so I coordinated times for them to be there for short visits. He
needed breaks in between the batches, but we also couldn’t have the ordeal
last all day long, so it was a very fine line. I’m not going to relate to you
what they all discussed while they were in the apartment. Not only was I not
there for all of it, but it’s no one else’s business. I can tell you that they
did not talk about what’s going on with the jail. Nick’s position at the
company, and as a contractor to the county, has been officially terminated. He
received three separate final bursts of income. First, they paid out all of
the sick leave that he had accrued, even though he wasn’t technically using it
all while he was still technically employed. Secondly, he earned a bonus just
for being a swell worker. Lastly, he was entitled to severance pay since it
was decided that none of this was his fault. His bosses pretty much knew all
of this was going to happen, but he had to wait for all the legal questions to
be answered. He’s set for now, but this money won’t last forever. We’ll deal
with that later, though.
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