Monday, May 1, 2017

Microstory 571: Calendar Reset to Zero Following Fall of Civilization

The world has ended. A lot of people worked extremely hard to prevent it, and then even more worked even harder to keep it from getting worse, but in the end, there was nothing anyone could do. The floodwaters came, overwhelmed our cities, and destroyed them. The water has not receded, leaving only those survivors on the highest points of the planet; mountain ranges, and superstructures. Of course, many of our people were able to escape. Some went to other planets; some of those even to other galaxies. Some are even believed to have traveled to the past, or the future. But some of us remain. We are still here, fighting to maintain the human race on the greatest planet in history. It is time to make some decisions, and one of those decisions involves the calendar. Two-thousand and one hundred years ago, the world was fragmented. We lived in prenational territories, fighting for resources, and hoarding treasures. We had kingdoms built with two somewhat contradictory principles; isolationism, and conquest. Everyone wanted to take over everyone else’s lands, while simultaneously trying to prevent anyone from doing the same to them. Empires rose and fell, and the world was in chaos. But then something happened. We came together. We had nothing at that point like the Confederacy, but we at least developed some civil attitudes towards each other. We drew lines in the sand and respected each other’s borders. Though war and pain still ruled the lands, we call this The Grand Unity, and on the first day of every year, because of it, we have celebrated Unity Day.

It was this time in history that a group of scholars and other important figures came together and came up with some conventions. They decided how things were meant to be measured. Distance, volume, economic exchange value. These were important facets to navigating a world, both literally, and also figuratively. We needed to know how to communicate with each other, because we realized that, if we all had different forms of measurements, we would always be confused. Along with this, we also needed to schedule things out together, in a logical way, that anyone could relate to. This Ribalion Convention, as it’s known today was composed of academics and agriculturalist who already understood how time worked, and it is their work that we still use. There are one hundred seconds to a minute, one hundred minutes to an hour, twenty hours in a day, ten days in a week, three weeks in a month, and ten months in a year. We also break this apart into five seasons, based on standard weather patterns, that help guide farmers with their businesses. This system works perfectly, and has served us well for more than two millennia. Unfortunately, things have changed. With the development of what most agree to be the end of civilization, our calendar no longer suffices. A second convention was held, this time on Mount Shiirapa; the closest landmass to Ribali, which is now submerged. Temporal measurement will remain the same, but the calendar has been reset. We are now living in the first year of this new calendar. The Shiirapa Council has released one short statement, to be followed by more detail later on: “We’re hoping never to repeat our past mistakes, and we feel that starting fresh is the first step to a better, more prosperous, future.”

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