All of us go to a middle school that starts at 6th grade, and ends in 8th
grade. Before that, we were in elementary school, and after this, we’ll go
to high school. That’s not how it is everywhere, though. When my papa was
thirteen, his mother got a call from a school district in Idaho Falls, which
is in Idaho, of course. When he was three, she started working as a teacher
at a junior high, which is only 7th and 8th grades. She went to college to
learn how to be a teacher, but after she had kids, she decided to stay home
with them, and never actually got to be a teacher yet. In 1986, she had been
doing it for ten years when they were in the middle of building a brand new
school in Idaho. They asked her to be the principal of it, but it was not
like the one where she was already. This school had all the grades in the
same place. Kindergartners and 12th graders all went to the same really,
really big building. I’m sure they had special reasons for doing it like
that, but I don’t know what they are. I think the school is still there. As
I was saying, papa’s mother moved the whole family there so she could be
principal. She was making a lot of money from doing that. My dad says that
40,000 would be more than 100,000 in today’s dollars. I don’t understand why
it’s different, but it sounds like a lot. Papa’s father had to quit his
really good paying job when they moved to Idaho, but since he was the boss
in Wyoming, he was able to get a really good new job in Idaho doing pretty
much the same thing. This is where they lived for many years.
Current Schedule
- Sundays
- The Advancement of Mateo MaticChaos mounts as the team tries to prioritize their missions, but can't seem to find a way through until they settle their own limitations.
- The Advancement of Mateo Matic
- Weekdays
- CorrespondenceTwo twins separated at birth learn of one another, and make contact from across the solar system in an attempt to form a connection despite the light lag.
- Correspondence
- Saturdays
- The ParallelKalea Akopa and her number two, Harbinger Nuadu Zima participate in diplomatic discussions meant to determine the distribution of resources in a new universe, and stave off war.
- The Parallel
- Sundays
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