Friday, August 14, 2015

Microstory 125: Alonso Silva

Alonso Silva grew up in a small and quiet town in Spain. He had a passion for knowledge, but a complete hatred for learning. Going to school, listening to teachers, and reading books all felt like such a waste of time. He just wanted to get to the end where he knew everything. Fortunately, he was biologically designed to achieve such a thing. Once, when walking back home from school, he discovered a loosened eyelash on his cheek. He blew on it and made a wish. As the hair was drifting down to the ground, it started to glow with a grayish light. As the light increased, it began to take the shape of a door. When the door faded away, an exact copy of Alonso was left standing in front of him, wearing a simple gray tunic of some kind. There appeared to be no limit to the number of clones Alonso was able to conjure at any one time, however, each clone would only last for exactly four days. At that point, it would fade back into the gray, and Alonso would absorb its memories. The clones were not intelligent enough to make their own decisions, nor was he able to connect with them remotely, but they did have eidetic memories. It was this exploit that allowed the original to never go back to class, or anywhere else he wasn’t interested in, for the rest of his life. When Alonso was older, he found himself the owner of a factory in midwest Usonia with almost no employees. Nearly the entire workforce was made up of his clones, and they required no compensation for their work. There were only a few workers with their own identities that were used for appearance’s sake. These people signed nondisclosure agreements that basically set them up with guaranteed wages for the rest of their lives. Very little changed in terms of the factory’s day-to-day activities when Bellevue uncovered Alonso’s secret. He ultimately moved to the hotel, primarily to work in the medical department, but also to use his clones for grunt work. By the time the government started an investigation into the factory’s financials, Bellevue had gone public, and legal precedents needed to be set.

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